Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Top of the Park

We're on the top of the park today! And I'm on top of the world. As I played with PrincessPea, climbing up towers, over a rock climbing wall, through tunnels (yes, I really did scurry through tunnels like a squirrel!) and sliding down slides, I could not help but to start to cry from happiness. I know, weird.
Pea was worried and took my face in her hands saying, "You okay, Mommy?" She is so empathetic to those around her. I explained I was wonderful and chased her once again.
This ability to do these things without much pain with my daughter is so wonderful after the last two years of frustrating pain. Pain that leaked its way into my life despite trying to stopper it. I ask forgiveness to anyone of whom I did not understand their trial of pain or another trial in this life. I pray I will never be so callous. I know now that health is a gift that we cannot truly understand and appreciate when we are healthy.
The last two years were actually a gift for me to grow with compassion, to be more tender, more understanding, and more patient.
Would I have chosen this experience?
No, but I know that I'm a bit better inside even though honestly, I would vainly have traded that internal improvement for having my outside better looking this last little while!
So here's to sitting, walking, running and playing!
Here's to life and learning!
Here is to being at the top of the park!

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