Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sleep Aludes Her

...At least for an hour due to a pint sized hurricane. Yes, we have read how to "feberize" your toddler and we have read "Happiest Toddler On the Block" and other lovely stories. The Nanny has nothing on us since we have counted putting her quietly back to bed 72 times before. No, I'm not exaggerating, I counted.
We have the ritual. We have the bath time, scriptures, prayer (that had to be moved up from right before bed due to the negative connotation in her mind that personal prayers = bedtime thus precipitating a whole month of refusing to fold her arms), storytime, tuck in and good night ritual. She has added to this ritual 15 minutes later: loudly exclaiming "Mommy" and "Daddy" as well as many other incoherent things, sticking fingers under the door, and singing.
The problem is that she is the happiest, busybody on the block. The child should be the Energizer Bunny for Halloween. Fact: ThePea can just function on less sleep than most toddlers.
She would sleep through the night as a baby, but she wouldn't be logging in 12 hours and then 2 long naps in a 24 hour period like some other mythical babies I have heard about.
The girl likes to know what is going on at all times and preferably be part of those goings on. So, for the first hour of her "wind down" time, we isolate her in her room through physical means (i.e. she is locked in her room to read books, or sing or do whatever she pleases). Then, when all is quiet, we sneak in and tuck in the now blissfully drowsy little angel into bed.

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