Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rise and Shout..

the Christensen's are out!

Here are just three of the many creative ways my family used to torture my teenage self to wake up:
1. Dripping a melting a melting ice cube onto my nose (thanks, Dad)
2. Setting the dryer and washer which was just across the hall from my room to buzz at 6am nearly every day (thanks, Mom)
3. Meowing. Yes, I said, "Meowing". Like a choir of deaf tom cats, my sisters were led in a meowing cacophony to wake me from my peaceful slumbers (thanks, sisters!, thanks dad for being the chorister)

1 comment:

Kristie said...

I love the picture of Alyvia (and the other too, which I put in my picture folder). I don't remember the meowing, but I don't doubt it. It sounds like us for sure.