Saturday, April 12, 2008

To Blog or Not To Blog

I've been asked by a couple of you why my professional life has not been commented on. It won't be. There are a few reasons for this:
  1. Recent judicial cases against medical professionals have allowed blogs to be used against the professional.
  2. I would like to protect the privacy of my patients and myself.
  3. Due to my health, it hasn't been a large part of my life.
  4. I try to separate those two parts of my life as much as possible to keep my focus and priorities straight.
FYI: I am currently working part time giving health care to an under served population. TheMan is able, due to his work schedule, to be with the Pea at times or my mother has been able to spend time with her. I am so blessed to have them and blessed by the Lord who has helped me in all roles he has asked of me. I am a thinker and a planner, but I am mortal and cannot see the future; I would have chosen different paths and avoided certain trials if I could. Luckily, despite all my best thinking, prioritizing and planning , there is He who guides us along a path which would have gone unnoticed. A path that leads us to where we will do the best good, become our best selves and come closer to Him.

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