Monday, April 14, 2008

A Bit Sheepish

Great day today! We had a spur of the moment trip here with Nana and Auntie K! PeaPod loves animals and never misses a chance to pet one. So, reasonably, I thought that this would be awesome! Wouldn't you know it, but first thing we see is a huge shaggy sheep coming over to greet us! I was loving it. PeaPod was standing on the ground looking into the pen when he let out a loud "Brrraaaaaa!" (Not a cute little "baa" which a Little Bo Peep like PeaPod would expect!) I have a feeling from her vantage point it was like confronting a woolly version of T. Rex or maybe those weird woolly things on the original Star Wars (I can't believe I remember that - so embarrassing!) Anyway, she burst out crying in fear. Or perhaps his hygiene could have been worked on. After that, she was a bit standoffish with the sheep, chickens and goats. Luckily, she LOVED the horses (probably because of Papa!). Overall it was a lovely trip. We finished it off with a quick trip to the this bakery for a fresh loaf of whole grain bread.

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