Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Project Beautification

I sent the photo below to Loralee this morning in an email entitled: Project Beautification. Inside I wrote: Begin Now. I needed this pic and little did I know, so did my beautiful sister!Here is her post. The pic was what she needed, this post is what I needed.
So yesterday I had a proofing of our newborn/family photo session by Simple Treasures Photography. Boston looked perfect in every way. Vienna - plum gorgeous. Ethan - handsome as ever. Lee took photogenic to a new level even with the eye parasite, which is saying a lot. But me... hmmm... let's say I kind of looked like I could be a mother of three. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mother of three. In fact, I wouldn't mind being the mother of the whole world as long as I didn't look like I was the mother of the whole world. (Think: Mother Teresa - who in all honesty I wouldn't mind looking like if I were 88 and even half as wonderful as she was, but I'm 28 and not even close to sainthood. So I have to work with what I've got.) Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Mortified I went to the drug store at 2am last night (between feedings) to get the necessary supplies to begin re-beautification. And then (with strikingly good timing and not knowing an ounce about my predicament), my sister Annie sent me the above photo this morning with the words, "Begin now." I just loved it.
So today, I am beginning again the trial of all women everywhere - trying to put myself back on the list - not only physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. This is so important, because when my little Vienna becomes a mom, I want her to know from my example that she is important too and if she doesn't take care of her beautiful soul - she cannot give her fullest to those she loves. It's a difficult concept for women to grasp, but we must. If not for us alone than for our daughters! Sometimes it's easier to do it for them than to do it for yourself in the beginning (which is kind of an oxymoron), but if that is what it takes to begin the process of taking care of our souls (body and spirit) than so be it. Begin now.
She ended the post with my current theme quote: The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within - strength, courage, dignity. ―Ruby Dee

Then my husband sent me this video link. He said I make him this happy. It is happy and fun just like him.

1 comment:

Loralee said...

You are that kind of beautiful!

All my love!