Sunday, September 14, 2008

No Quite Ready... give up summer yet. I need just one more month this year. I usually embrace autumn with arms held out wide, ready for the crunch of leaves underfoot, the crisp morning air and the scholastic feeling swirling around. I don't know why this year is different; maybe it is because I'm getting farther and farther away from those "School Days" (one would think 20 years of it would be enough) or that I'm able to do more activities than I did at the first of the summer or maybe it is because PeaPod finally fits into all her summer clothes or maybe I'm just trying to stretch out PeaPod's treasured babyhood. Truly, I'm not quite for sure. But the sunflowers are nodding and the pumpkins are on the vine. I'll just have to embrace every day and accept the passage of time.

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