Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Week of Doctors

Sometimes life is just crazy. Earlier this week I was playing the "Where are you?" game with the PeaPod and when I grabbed her to say, "There she is!" with a pop I dislocated her arm. Yes, I did. It just hung there. It was awful. One emergency room visit later (with Nana and Papa meeting us there) and a heart wrenching scream as they placed it back into place, she was good as new. Note: never grab little ones by the arms, only the torso!
Today started out very normal with the mundane like making the bed, emptying the dishwasher, PeaPod waking up, diaper change, breakfast, bath time, change of clothes, phone ringing constantly, playtime, and such. Then we were jetting off to Primary Children's again (I don't even want to count how many times the Pea or I have been to doctors and hospitals this year!). The hospital is a great place to learn patience - no matter if you have an appointment or not, there will be a long wait. The Pea didn't mind since the waiting room was chalk full of "new" toys and little friends of varying health. The hospital is also a great place to count your many blessings. The actual appointment was short and sweet with a summary of what we already knew that Pea was in need of ear tubes - it was a long time for the doctors to reach this decision, but I'm glad she will feel better afterward. Added bonus: not so many doctors visits!

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