Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Peek-a-boo, We're Here

After a long period of either not posting or just posting pics, I have time to do a post! Sisters, you can stop bugging me now. ;) I have more time today since PrincessPea is napping and the house is clean and laundry done - whoa, all rare things to occur all at the same time! Rarely does my munchkin nap long, but she's been running a bit of a fever. Combine that with a rousing weekend with all the C. cousins is the perfect recipe for a very tired little girl.
Life is good and keeps on trekking. TheMan and I have had some wonderful experiences these past few months that have brought us closer and more focused. Nothing earth shattering really, but just a tweaking of the lens of life which has allowed a sharper image to occur. We still have as many creative plans as ever, but we feel more direction now.
Above is Pea playing peek-a-boo with me. She is a constant whirl of fun and energy. She talks up a storm and states: "I share Mommy's cell phone." as she calls family members just to talk. She has had lots of fun this early spring at swimming lessons and gymnastics but they haven't tired her out! She still wants to dance too! She will clasp her little hands together and say: "Please,please, please Mommy!" It is hard to resist her cuteness, but I seem to be saying "No" to quite a number of misadventures anyway. At her most recent pedo visit she was 27 pounds (18%) and 36 inches tall (50%) and able to identify most of the alphabet letters around the waiting room. She's a whiz at matching games and puzzles. She can count to 12, but then jumps to 18 for some reason :) To me, she's trying to jump from turning 3 years to 18! We play a lot of hide-and-seek. She loves to hide where I hid the last turn. Our second favorite game is taking turns on the piano and dancing. One of us will "play" the piano and the other will dance. It is fun and probably hilarious for the neighbors if they pass by but we still dance like nobody is watching!
My days are a combination of motherhood and family, dentistry, young womens, housekeeping and such plus a smackerel of my hobbies (singing, gardening, photography, design, etc.) when I can squeeze them in. Lots has happened that I haven't posted, but I'll be more diligent in my blog history from here on out. Love, Annie

1 comment:

sherral said...

Your blog is as fun as you are! I love keeping in touch, but I wish I had as many fun things to do as you!!