Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One Tough Girl

Well, here is to one tough week! We were preparing this afternoon to have the Young Women and Young Men over for a pumpkin trebucheting party. You would think that it would be one of the teens that would leave my home in route to the hospital; but no, before any fun chucking of pumpkins could occur, PeaPod tripped on the non-carpeted basement stairs. I was right behind her and knew from the sound of the fall, that this wasn't just any toddler toppling. She didn't move. I cringed inside and said a silent prayer as I lifted her up to look at her face. Not too bad, I thought. Gushing blood, but really, I thought: it could be worse. Teeth - check. Bones - check. Deep gash below mandible open to submandibular space - yep, that's going to need stitches. Hospital again. Stop bleeding. Put her in car seat. Call Daddy, call Papa. Peapod is very upset, so let her talk to Daddy on speaker phone while I drove. She just kept saying, "I'm o-o-o-o-k-k-k-aaay." over and over again to her daddy all the way. I know she is one brave girl because I have many adult patients who would never say that!
We did the routine emergency room paper work and waited for the topical anesthetic to work. She was fine by then, bouncing and playing. The doctors and nurses watched and said, "She's an active one!" Yep, that's her! Then came the hard part: the papoose board and the stitches. I just have to say this: My girl is a fighter! Don't mess with her. She put up a fight that surprised the nurses - including gnashing of teeth.
She's got spunk. I knew that, but I really know it now.
When the doctor was done suturing (which took quite a while since he had to do layers and she was not cooperative) she hugged her Papa and lifted her little fist in the air with mine and cheered "I'm tough!" She even thanked the nurse. Love this girl.


Kristie said...

My heart broke for little toady hearing this story, but loved this story. A true Anderson.

Lisa said...

First, ugh hate stitches. Glad you both survived and it isn't worse.

Ok help us non dentists out here...what did she split open? Inside her bottom lip? So did she have to get stitches inside her mouth?

I'd try to bite someone's fingers off too!