Thursday, July 31, 2008


There are certain days in which we are not allowed to leave the premises without sunglasses or lemonade. Please note the toy under sippy cup: it plays a nursery rhyme every time you hit the button. Its melodious tunes will forever connected to this adventure:
I made the unlikely decision to try driving "over the mountain" to get home from work the other day. Dr. H. said he did it last week and it was fine. I trusted that if Dr. H. can do it in his advanced years and probably a sedan, then I could do it also. I mistakenly thought Dr. H.'s hair was white naturally not because of his thrill seeking antics. This mountain route cut a good 20 miles at least off my drive. The super narrow dirt road, the sheer drop off down the mountain, and the occasional crazy 4 wheeling teenager made me decide to never do that again...ever. The shortened distance took longer (or at least seemed to with my frayed nerves!). At every bump, that toy would whirl and then start playing a nursery rhyme. ...The cow jumped over the moon... Shall forever be burned into my memory...and the dish ran away with the spoon.

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