Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happily Mundane

I love how becoming a parent turns the ordinarily mundane features of life into Events. Parenting makes moments count. Today, our happily mundane moment which has become an Event in our lives is entitled: A New Car Seat. PeaPod still fits in her original infant carrier that her mother, me, picked out with much deliberation - finally caving into my pregnant excitement and going with the completely Pink Peg Perego set. She is almost too tall for it - one more inch and it is no more! So, she has a new forward facing (annoyingly beige) car seat. It is super fun to have conversations with her now in the car - typically something to do with animals and the noises they make. And so, in typical motherhood style, I reminisce of this day when we brought her home in it looking sooo small:

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