Thursday, September 4, 2008

Concussions, CTs and Elephant Allergies

Whew. What a crazy 2 weeks! We'll begin with flying to Texas:

What I learned about flying with toddlers:

1. There is the hard way to fly with toddlers, which I have entitled Hell on Wings complete with a carry on full of toys, miniDVD and snacks. Everyone in the plane will know your daughters' name. Once the plane lands, these passengers will say how good and
cute she is and how patient you are - as they exit as fast as they possibly can. She will then wave and blow kisses to them with an angel's smile that somehow was nonexistent the last 2.75 hours.

2. Then, there is the easy way entitled Blissful Beddy-Bye Fly Time. You search for any sign of a sniffle and tell yourself that a good dose of Tylenol Cold is totally justified and even needed just before lift off. This time no passenger knows your little one's name but they comment on how great a traveler she is.
3. While traveling, you learn a lot about people. When I traveled alone (sans kids or husband) I found this was true because I would talk to people; we would share our lives, beliefs and stories. I met incredible and interesting people. Now traveling with a child, I learn about character. Who was it that went the extra mile to help a mother traveling alone? A lady in a micro mini. Who picked up that toy or played peek-a-boo? Huge tattooed firefighter. Who was reading their religious literature and didn't look up except to give a "look"? Pious 30 something. Who was reassuring, not judgmental, when the toddler fussed about being seat belted into her plane seat? Smiling businessman who looked a bit like Pres. Eyring to me (but, let's be honest, at that point anyone who helped us looked like a saint!). It had been a tiring week professionally and
personally. When I thanked someone for at the airport for their help, she responded in a normal nonreligious-y friendly way, "Well, that's just being Christian." Tears welled up in my eyes. I can't tell you how much I needed people "just being Christian". That was worth the whole trip to hear and ponder that. I'll visit the Deep South anytime.

The rest of the trip you ask?

Well, we're never low on excitement. My sister, Loo, lovingly wanted me to catch up on some sleep that I was sorely needing. So, she was watching my little one and hers. She slipped on a wet bathroom floor while carrying them and then blacked out. The only thing that woke her was the thought that the kids might drown in the tub and the thought of emergency personell seeing her indecently dressed. I found the kids okay, but Loo's blonde hair becoming a lovely shade of red (I love red, but I digress...) Stitches and a CT scan later and she's as good as new - minus a big patch of shaved hair in the back of her head. Part of me really wishes the hospital wasn't out of neck braces...just for the memory and a scrapbook page... She was sore my whole visit, but she still managed to entertain us in true Loo style.

We visited the awesome Fort Worth Zoo; this is where we made the discovery that if we went close to the elephants, my little PeaPod would swell up in the face with an allergic response. Yes, only by the elephants.

We made our gift cards go the extra mile at the outlets. Cousin E painted a lovely picture on the tile floor with blue food coloring while we weren't looking and found the most ENORMOUS scissors I've ever seen to play with. I've named him a "ninja toddler". We played with the kids, got some work done, talked about everything from men, endometriosis, mommyhood to politics, and laughed at Loralee's commentary on everything (she's is just one of those people that can make people laugh to the point of tears at anything.) Overal,l it was a great trip!

Great Quotes from the trip:
Me: "Oh, my living daylights!" When we discover he has painted the floor with food coloring.
Loo: "This..not this... is so much better than this!" Discussing the size of the cupcake topper with way too many sexual induendos.
Loo: The kids are okay...I hit my head. I hit my head. I hit my head. I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding.
Loo: "Okay, Ethan. Hand me the scissors." As E is carrying the huge scissors while continuing to snap them at the other kids
Me: "Okay, I'll buy you a new one of these." As PeaPod throws and consequently breaks my angel figurines.
Lee: "Well, if you send the gymbucks..." Discussing reimbursement.
Lee:"We are against concealed crayon licenses. We are pro crayon control." To the kids when he started playing the the crayons.
All of us - "Sables!" because we were puppy sitting the cutest pom ever
Buster the jealous dog about puppy we were sitting "Oh, Sables. You are just so perfect. You can do no wrong. Sables."
Loo: "I think she's allergic to the Elephant dung." As PeaPod breaks out in hives due to the elephants.
Loo: "Thankfully, they were out of neckbraces." Happy she wouldn't have to wear a neckbrace.
Loo: I'm hurt. (sitting clothes-less on the coach with blood coming out of my head while everyone's taking care of the kids).
Me: "I have not seen Loo for two hours I think she has been a victim to a hate crime."
Loo: "We can do high heels! Where are they?!?"
Loo: "You know how I feel about big. Make it bigger."

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