Thursday, February 26, 2009

"She'll Be Comin' Around...

...the mountain, when she comes. Yee-haw! She'll be comin' around the mountain, she'll be comin' around the mountain, she'll be..." After singing that song for a few verses I start thinking: "Alright already! Please bless she has come around that darn mountain!" That's exactly how I feel: I'm coming around the mountain, but seriously, am I there yet?!?
Things have been so busy these past few weeks! My life is faster than I am and I just keep following it! Well, lets see, where do I begin...after being a mom, house wife, part time dentist, and tinkerer of a number things including singing, blogging (well, sometimes!), etc., I have now added PT visits, crazy yoga and the creepy chiropractor to my schedule so that I can keep doing the a fore mentioned activities. The PT sessions are...interesting..and include placement of hands where only my husband's have gone. Yoga is hilarious (although please note: NEVER laugh in yoga, it is very serious).
Valentine's Day came and went. I just want you to know that I dearly love that holiday. PeaPod loved making our homemade valentines. Here is one of the valentines we made the family: (Inspiration from Charity's bean art - thanks Charity!)
This one is entitled "We love you oodles and noodles"Pea also expressed her artistic prowess in her room while supposedly taking a nap. The medium is a washable (luckily!) black marker procured from some unknown source:
Also during the past few weeks she has investigated numerous facial treatments. Mommy's chapstick and lipsticks are a particular favorites. It seems that diaper cream was not a favorite: (picture taken way before the sun came up Saturday morning)
Sir Duncan Bones has coached her on how to be a cat. She enjoys pretending, meowing, sitting on window ledges and under the table like he does.

We are reading the same books multiple times a day now. Particular favorites are: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Goodnight Gorilla (valentine gift from Grandpa and Grandma Christensen) and the family photo "Who Love You?" book (made by Nana). Doesn't TheMan have great hair? Please remind me not to accelerate my forehead wrinkles by making that face.
Nana moved the fam's stuff out of our basement and into theirs. She said she wanted to get it out of my way, but I honestly think it was more about Sir Duncan Bones's cat hair. But after a year and a half of him sitting on all of it, I think what's done is done! PeaPod chose her own outfit that day: pink onesie, a diaper, and boots that were made for walking.

Tucker desperately needed a groom and went from the first pic to the second. He hates going outside now without his sweater. I feel a bit like the first pic currently. Tomorrow's my first hair appointment in over a year. I know, I'm such a slacker. Hopefully they won't shave me till I'm pink.
And then there was my birthday. It was a lovely day spent with TheMan and PeaPod the first of the day and then the Pea was babysat by Aunt Krissy and Uncle Jon while seeing the Draper Temple Open House. Then she visited Grandma and Grandpa Christensen in the evening. It was just wonderful to spend time together as a couple. John took this photo of me right before church. Here I am at 31 (not photoshopped or else the wrinkles,shine and gray stray hairs would be gone) but John took a pretty good photo:
And I'm still comin' around that mountain. How big did you make this mountain, God? Okay, I'm still comin'.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Little Miss Serious Face and the Photo Shoot

My friend Autumn is awesome. She took these pictures and I'm sure you will agree! They are beautiful even with PeaPod being Little Miss Serious Face! I just can't decide which is my favorite. Thanks Autumn!

Oh, the drama that awaits your mother in the future, little one!