I was going through my pictures of Christmas for scrapbooking and just had to post this one. Princess Pea is looking at Mom and I thinking, "I don't know about this, are you sure this is the big guy?" And then click the pic was taken and a second later she looked at Santa and decided he was an imposter and started crying.
As I packed up Christmas on New Year's Day with my mom- thank goodness she was there because with the Pea and my healing legs it would've taken days! - there was one thing I was loath to pack. Our new Little People Christmas Nativity set! It is a must have for all Christian moms! No worries about things getting broken and such a great teaching tool!
Well, Princess Pea definitely likes the sound of her own voice. Most people do. Most babies go through this babbling stage where they discover their own voice - my MIL said it would last about two weeks of fun squealing and such. The Pea did go through that stage, but loved her voice so much that she has continued noisily on for months. The best is when she can hear herself by shouting into something. She discovered this first at 4 months when she could lean into my bookshelves and yell. She loved sitting near the bookshelf and babbling into it. Then later, she discovered empty cups do a much better job! Now she will listen to herself for at least 10 minutes (which for her attention span is FOREVER!).
This pic can't help but make me smile! She's been sick this week - the kind of sick that makes Mommy clean up lots of different yucky messes. She's been sick before but not like this. It is hard when you can't tell her why she's not feeling good. But she is so sweet, even though she's sick. She is fragile and easily upset, but is quite good natured at the same time. I'm really lucky to have her.
Resolution: Be Healthier by having 3 veggies and 2 fruit servings a day which equals "5 a day"! I loved this clip I saw via Black*Eiffel - I don't advocate juice since I like whole foods better - but this clip is about having your "5 a day" and the parrot is absolutely FABULOUS!
You know how I LOVE LOVE LOVE COLOR. And so, I love this article by NY Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/20/fashion/20COLOR.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2 It is definitely an entertaining read. It makes me wonder if when I pick a new shirt next fall/winter will I pick iris blue to bring out my eyes or bamboo green to appeal to my warm coloring? I'll probably see the chili pepper red one (the color of 2007 if you didn't know) and get it. It seemse I can never have too much red in my wardrobe.
For those of you dropping into our lives midplot here's the characters of this crazy story: Me - Annie-mal, Mommy Husband - TheMan, Daddy or Hubby Daughter - PrincessPea, the Pea Other fam and friends may be labeled by kinship to Annie or PrincessPea and by initials or nicknames. Forewarning: Names, traditional story plot or grammar rules may not be adhered to or may be thrown out altogether at any point. Those who experience nausea while watching DiscoveryHealth, have seizures at the sight of a misplaced comma, or have bouts of dizziness when changing or even discussing messy diapers should not read this blog.
Why Blog?
"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience." Gordon B. Hinckley, 2006